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St Paul's NS, Walshestown National School, Drogheda Co Louth

School Self Evaluation -SSE


St Paul’s N.S, Walshestown – SSE 2022/2023

‘Wellbeing in our school’

What is school self-evaluation? School self-evaluation is a collaborative, inclusive, reflective process of internal school review. During school self-evaluation the principal, deputy principal and teachers, under the direction of the board of management and the patron and in consultation with parents and pupils, engage in reflective enquiry on the work of the school. It is an evidence-based approach which involves gathering evidence from a range of sources and making judgements with a view to bringing about improvements in pupils’ learning. Self-evaluation requires a school to address the following key questions with regard to an aspect or aspects of its work:

  • How well are we doing?
  • How do we know?
  • How can we find out more?
  • What are our strengths?
  • What are our areas for improvement?
  • How can we improve?

Over the course of the School Self Evaluation process we as a school will address the SSE questions through 

  • Staff Meetings regarding Wellbeing and our aims for the process
  • Reviewing our current Code of Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy  identifying  how our Wellbeing SSE can inform these policies
  • Consultation with school stakeholders regarding wellbeing in the school
  • Focus group created with representatives from each class in the school to promote student voice
  • Based on the results put a plan into action on the areas we need to improve on as a school
  • Construct a ‘Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice’ for our school using all that we learn through the SSE process.

St. Paul’s N.S

School Self Evaluation 2022-2023


“Wellbeing is present when a person realises their potential, is resilient in dealing with the normal stresses of their life, takes care of their physical wellbeing and has a sense of purpose, connection and belonging to

a wider community. It is a fluid way of being and needs nurturing throughout life” WHO (2001)

Key Principles:


Child/Young person-centred:

The wellbeing needs and the best interests of our children and young

people are a central focus of this policy. This requires us to respect and value the voice of children and young people and foster their belonging and connectedness to the school community. This ensures a sound developmental base for present and future wellbeing, as well as academic achievement.

Equitable,fair and inclusive

 All children and young people need access to equitable, fair and inclusive

opportunities to develop their wellbeing, in ways that are responsive and suitable to their particular needs and contexts. Practices need to be tailored, responsive and relevant, building on the existing strengths of children and young people, school staff, families and school communities. This means that practices will vary across schools and centres for education and from student to student. 


This policy promotes the use of evidence-informed practice, which brings together local experience and expertise with the best available evidence from research. It acknowledges that what works in one context may not be appropriate or feasible in another.

Outcomes focused:

This policy promotes continuous improvement practices and the use of data

relating to outcomes to guide practice in our schools in relation to the promotion of wellbeing for all children and young people. This policy and framework for practice will ensure the use of a self-reflection process for the identification monitoring and review of outcomes.


 The wellbeing of our children and young people is a shared responsibility.

Working  in  partnership with  other  departments  and  agencies  is  key  to  ensuring  this  policy  is implemented.

This plan records the findings of our evaluation of wellbeing and how it impacts teaching in our school and our current improvement plan, including targets and the actions we will implement to meet the targets which we have decided on.


  • The focus of this evaluation.

 We undertook self-evaluation of well-being in the school during the period September 2022 - June 2023. We looked at the four key areas as part of the well-being framework for schools.

  • Culture and Environment,
  • Curriculum Teaching and Learning,
  • Relationships and Partnerships
  • Policy/Planning.
Statement(s) of Effective practice for all: The wellbeing of the whole school community is central to the school’s ethos/mission statement and school leaders and management actively promote wellbeing.
Statement(s) of Effective for some and a few: The school demonstrates commitment to identifying, including and providing targeted supports for children an young people experiencing barriers and challenges to wellbeing and learning.


Key Areas: Indicators of success

  • Children young people and staff experience a sense of belonging, feel safe, connected and supported
  • The creation of a student council in St. Pauls so the voice of the pupil, is heard and lead to improvements in school culture and ethos.
  • The creation of Wellbeing Activities throughout the year to ensure that staff consider and prioritise their own health and wellbeing.
  • To enable staff students, parents and school community through a Wellbeing Week and ongoing Wellbeing activities throughout the year, that wellbeing is a priority in the school and is everybody’s business.



2.1: Strengths

List the main strengths of the school in teaching and learning.

  • Pupils have the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes required to understand themselves and their relationships
  • Pupils demonstrate knowledge, appropriate to their stage of development, of their own behaviour as individuals and as members of a group.
  • Pupils demonstrate an enquiring and openminded attitude towards themselves and those around them.
  • Pupils grow as learners through respectful interactions and experiences that are challenging and supportive
  • Interactions among pupils and between pupils and teachers are very respectful and positive, and conducive to well-being.
  • Relationships and interactions in classrooms and learning areas create and sustain a cooperative, affirming and productive learning environment.
  • Pupils contribute their opinions and experiences to class discussion with confidence.
  • They are respectful of and interested in the opinions and experiences of their classmates.

2.2. This is how we know

  • Correlation of data from Wellbeing Questionnaires from the pupils, parents and staff
  • Pupil Voice through student council
  • Teacher observation



2.3 This is what we are going to focus on to improve our practice further

On examining the results we found some key areas to work on as a school community in relation to Wellbeing

  • To look for and listen to children’s opinion when developing school policy and planning (64.1%)
  • To prioritise staff to consider their own health and Wellbeing (54.4%)
  • To promote a culture of Wellbeing as a priority for the whole school community (72.7%)
  • To communicate with parents when things are going well for their child   (61.5%) for parents (72.7% staff)
  • To provide more opportunities for music, sport, drama dancing etc (74.4%)

Success will be measured using data collected at the end of the year from/through consultation with children, parents, and staff in academic year 2023-2024

  1. Our improvement plan

On the next page we have recorded:

  • The targets for improvement we have set
  • The actions we will implement to achieve these
  • Who is responsible for implementing, monitoring and reviewing our improvement plan
  • How we will measure progress and check outcomes(criteria for success)

As we implement our improvement plan we will record:

  • The progress made, and adjustments made, and when
  • Achievement of targets (original and modified), and when





Success Criteria

Progress/ Adjustments

Targets Achieved

1.To create a Student Council in St. Paul’s to promote student voice

2.To prioritise staff to consider their own health and Wellbeing

3. To promote a culture of Wellbeing as a priority for the whole school community

3. To communicate with parents when things are going well for their child 

4.To provide more opportunities for music, sport, drama dancing etc

In January 2023 a student council was elected in school to ensure the pupils voice was heard in relation to school policy and plans

A First Aid Mental Health Training was completed in January 2023 for all staff

As part of Wellbeing/ Active Week  Staff activities were scheduled

From September we held staff meeting regarding wellbeing as our target for the year ahead.

Ms. Byrne completed Weaving Wellbeing in 3rd, 4th and 5th Class

Assemblies dedicated to Wellbeing throughout the year

The creation f a Wellbeing Area in the School for pupils

Wellbeing/ Active Week held in the last week of May

In January we held weekly assemblies where the pupil’s news and records of achievements were highlighted.

Pupils received star of the week and Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine and a trophy and certificate of achievement was sent home. Children photos taken and placed on the school website

Creation of a school choir this year to take part in various events throughout the year. Grandparents Day, Christmas, Communion and Graduation

G.A.A Coach sessions twice weekly from Frank as well as additional 1hour P.E

A whole school Christmas Concert / Drama performance held in December

Lunchtime Leagues held with Mr. Garland and Mr. Reel as well as after school G.A.A twice weekly

Active Week was held with Athletics, Soccer Coaching & Yoga practitioners visiting the school

Ms. White


Ms. Byrne

Ms. Swinburne

Ms. Byrne

Ms. Byrne

Ms. Hand

Emma (SNA)

Mr. Garland

Mr. Reel

The Student Council will hold Meetings regularly to discuss and implement their ideas and opinions on school matters

Staff will become aware of the importance of prioritising their own health and Wellbeing

To ensure that the whole school community are aware of Wellbeing as a focus and a priority in St. Paul’s for the academic year (2022-2023)

Increase of at least 10% from parent feedback of 61.5 %  

Parental Feedback

This has been very successful to date and Ms. White, Ms. Swinburne meet with the Student Council monthly

Both the Mental Health First Aid training and Wellbeing Staff activities were given positive feedback.

Adjustments have been made to incorporate a more frequent time dedicated to staff wellbeing activities such as Meditation that was completed during Wellbeing Week

Parental, staff and pupil feedback has shown that progress in this target area has been met

The creation of weekly assemblies has been very positive and progress has been made this year

There has been huge progress in relation to this target and providing more opportunities for extra-curricular activities in school

Achieved January 2023 and is ongoing

Ongoing Target

Reached May 2023

Reached May 2023